Tag Archives: Relationships

My first blog post ever……

If you would have asked me what picture would be on the first post of my blog, it is extremely unlikely I would have thought it would be anything like this. Life is funny and I believe God has a sense of humor, so here is my first picture……

Turkey hunt

Ok, my husband is not a big hunter and this is actually the first time he has ever gone. This is also the first time he has ever killed anything  bigger than a spider or maybe a snake or something. So although I am proud of his newly acquired ability to procure nourishment for the family, that is not the reason I’m posting this picture.

I’m posting it because, well because, just look at him. Look at his face. He looks happy. He looks excited. He even looks a little terrified. He looks ALIVE and that makes me feel happy, and excited, and hopeful……. I love my husband, I love my girls, I love my God, and I love the life He has given me. That’s what this blog is going to be about. Life. Real life…exciting….sometimes terrifying, but always real.

This should be fun.