Monthly Archives: May 2013

Bye, bye, Burger King…..

Tomorrow I start a new job. After only 21 months in the fast food industry, I’m totally ready to start something new. I was at my previous company for 13 yrs, so staying at an organization for less than 2 years feels a little “wrong” to me. I know that it really doesn’t matter in the whole scheme of life, but there is a little piece of me that feels like a failure for not being able to to stick it out a little longer. I have to tell you. People in the food service industry work their tails off. It is all about long hours and hard work. In my particular case, I also got to come home smelling like “charbroiled burgers” :0) I met some incredibly nice people who have spent their entire careers working for the King. I tip my visor to them for sure. It just wasn’t for me.

My new role will allow me to sleep in my own bed every night and spend more time with my hubby and girls. This luxury comes with a $20K pay decrease and the loss of my company vehicle. We dealt with a $25K pay cut to move here two years ago for a better quality of life and ironically, it is taking almost that much more of a cut to get the quality we were looking for. Who knew quality of life came with a lower salary? I wish I knew 10 yrs ago. It would have been easier to stay at the lower income level rather than moving up and down in the tax brackets.

In all seriousness, I’m excited about the new role and looking forward to a consistent schedule. The hardest part so far has been the car thing. I know I am going to sound like a selfish, prideful human being, but I really liked my 2013 Dodge Journey. It was orange (my favorite color) and the perfect size for our family. We are replacing it with a 1997 Toyota Camry. My last 4 vehicles have been brand new, so this is a change. I agree with my hubby that we don’t want a vehicle loan right now, but boy is my pride getting in the way.

Why do I care what kind of vehicle I drive? Probably because I make judgments about people based on their cars, their clothes, their houses, etc. It is horrible. I try not to do it and I never say anything to anyone, but in my heart of hearts, I know I judge. So, in my 1997 Camry, I believe people will be “thinking” things about me that may or may not be true.   God is blessing me with more time with my family and friends. He has provided a reliable vehicle at a price we can afford. We live in a comfortable home, have plenty of food, and are safe and happy.

Why do I care what anyone thinks? Am I alone in knowing that something as silly as a car doesn’t matter, but feeling sad about losing it?  Argh!