Tag Archives: mashed potatoes

The 7 Year Itch…not so much

Today is a big day. Today my hubby and I celebrate 7 years of marriage. For you, this might not seem like a huge accomplishment, but for me and my husband Dave this is really good stuff. You see, we’ve both been married before and have some scars. When you’ve failed in anything, it can be difficult to try again.

I know, I’ve tried and failed with lots of things over the years. Ask my family about “Chef Brenda’s” fabulous mashed potatoes one Christmas. They were literally like paste. I’m the only person that I know that cooks and bakes pretty complex food on a regular basis, but can’t make a decent bowl of mashed potatoes. Fortunately, Dave is a master at mashed potatoes….. mmmm.

Anyway,mashed potatoes aren’t a big deal in the whole scheme of things. Unfortunately, mashed potatoes are the least of my failures.  I am happy to say they are the only mess-up that I get picked on about. My family loves me like God does and they don’t rub in the dumb stuff that I’ve done. I’m blessed.

Anyway as sappy as it sounds, I really do believe that people that fail a lot end up having the most rewarding lives in the long run. In my mind, those people are playing the odds the right way. The more you try, the more you fail, but you also succeed more. Risky?  Yep. Worthwhile? Totally.

Ok, this is getting deep… I think I’m going to just post a picture of me and the risk that i am most happy about taking in my life.  Have a fabulous day! I know I will.
